The parish is comprised of Catholic families in the geographical area extending from Seven-Mile Bridge to Ben Eoin with the streets and roads branching from Highway 4, also from Blackett's Lake to MacAdam's Lake and along the Northside of East Bay to Island View. The parish was formerly part of the Bras d'Or Mission whose priest resided mainly at East Bay. In 1837 it became an independent parish with its own pastor, Father Neil MacLeod. This faith community's current pastor is Father Anthony O'Connor.
Within the parish boundaries there are two churches: St. Mary of the Assumption Church (1841) at East Bay and St. Rose of Lima Church (1895) at Northside East Bay; two cemeteries: St. Mary's at East Bay and Resurrection at Sydney Forks; a parish hall at East Bay and a community recreation centre at Sydney Forks; two residences: the current glebe (1954) and the old glebe (Unity House, home for people living with handicaps). In the 19th century the parishioners established an educational facility that a cairn at St. Mary's claims to be the root of the present Saint Francis Xavier University.