Jacke Scott
Nice to see the new site coming along and hope we can all work to make it very interactive, both now when we're locked down and later when we have a "new normal".
Friday, 08 May 2020
Carol Ann MacDougall
This looks great, Craig! Maybe make the picture of the church bigger? The site is easy to navigate and has a lot of good information.
Sunday, 10 May 2020
Craig Cormier
Some new updates, and a new Guestbook.. Please be sure to drop us a note and say hi, Thanks for visiting..
Monday, 18 April 2022
Rev. John T. Render, C.P.
I have been there for three Missions some years ago. I loved the place,the pastor,and the people.
You can see my reflection on in SACRED PLACES on the above web site. God bless you all. Fr.John C.P.
Friday, 17 October 2003
Honora MacDonald Johannesen
From Vancouver Island - I have such fond memories of Sunday mass at St Mary's when I visited my grandparents' bungalow at Ben Eion. I look forward to seeing more photos of the church on your great website!
Monday, 13 October 2003
Fr. Bob Neville
The site has certainly matured since I last looked. I really like the use of color. You guys deserve the best. It looks like you got it.
Thursday, 29 May 2003
Jobe Abbass, OFM Conv.
Through the wonder of internet, I am very pleased to greet my uncle, Fr. Frank, and all the good people of St. Mary's where a "home" page takes on real meaning for the many visitors like myself who are always warmly welcomed and at home in your beautiful parish. Peace and blessings from the Eternal City. Fr. Jobe
Wednesday, 05 February 2003
Paul Jamael
Very nice website!! Very informative and easy to navigate. Great way to keep in touch with what's going on in the church. Great job!!
Paul Jamael
Toronto, Ontario (formerly Sydney, N.S.)
Tuesday, 08 October 2002
paul mac donald
Tuesday, 08 October 2002
I like the new headers which are so clear and easily direct a person to the desired sources of information. All the best to all.
Tuesday, 06 August 2002
regina sorhaitz
i have been to fathers mass for the past 3 weeks and i was very impressed with the service and the singing.i like the new web site.
Thursday, 01 August 2002
Max and Leanne Travis
A wonderful place to get married. Many fond memories that will last an eternity!
Thursday, 24 January 2002